• Ololua Ridge Karen

Remarks by the NLC VC Getrude Nguku at the ELC Judges Training48.90 KBPDF2022/12/13Download
Alternative Justice Systems Policy Swahili Version5.05 MBPDF2022/07/07Download
Speech by Ms Charity Kagwi-Ndungu, Head, Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice Pillar, UNODC at Nakuru Alternative Justice Systems County Action Plan Launch 16 May 2022, Nakuru Law Courts126.03 KBPDF2022/05/18Download
Remarks by Hon. Justice (Prof) Joel Ngugi during the launch of the Nakuru County Action Plan and Small Claims Court on 16th May 2022233.40 KBPDF2022/05/18Download
Remarks by the Honorable the Deputy Chief Justice of the Republic of Kenya and Vice-President of the Supreme Court, Lady Justice P. M. Mwilu During the Launch of the Nakuru Alternative Justice Systems Model and Small Claims Court203.84 KBPDF2022/05/18Download
Honorable Chief Justice’s Remarks During the Launch of the Nakuru County Alternative Justice System (AJS) Action Plan and Small Claims Court (SCC), Nakuru Law Courts, 16th May, 2022179.76 KBPDF2022/05/18Download
Nakuru County Alternative Justice Systems Action Plan8.31 MBPDF2022/05/17Download
Honorable Chief Justice’s Remarks During the Launch of the Kajiado County Alternative Justice System (AJS) Suite and Opening of the Kajiado Law Courts233.84 KBPDF2022/04/08Download
Alternative Justice Systems Framework Policy 20203.05 MBPDF2022/04/08Download
Alternative Justice Systems Baseline Policy 20204.01 MBPDF2022/04/08Download